Electromgnatic inspection system

To reach the black gold, drilling pipes have to penetrate deep into the earth. For medium-deep drilling of around 2000 m in depth, approximately 222 pipes of 9 m each are required. A new pipe has to be screwed on every 9 m.The material has to withstand a lot and be durable. Faultless material that meets international standards is thus essential. For this purpose one of the equipment that Used to check the condition of pipes in the drilling industry Is the EMI system. Which is actually the most accurate method to detect possible defects.

Electromagnetic inspection (EMI), as a non-destructive testing method, can detect the presence of cracks, corrosion, cavities and similar defects by inducing a magnetic field inside metal objects and collecting the resulting responses by a number of sensors, which They are placed around the body.


Sample pipes

An indicator tube marked according to the standard is used to ensure the correct operation

of the system. This tube has 8 symbols with a specified size, for each of the sensors of the device.